In this post I will show how simple it is to enable 2-Factor authentication using a Raspberry Pi, and your smartphone, but this can also be done for other Linux devices and servers too.

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Why 2-Factor?

With people’s information being leaked left, right and centre, it’s increasingly more critical that we rely on more than just our passwords for access to important devices. If we do not, a leaked password could end up with our servers and devices, such as Raspberry Pi’s being hijacked to participate in a bot-net or some other nefarious deed, or information on those devices being stolen.

First Steps for Raspberry Pi users

Before beginning the setup of 2-Factor auth on your Raspberry Pi, there are some good-practice steps you should carry out first.

If you’re not running a Raspberry Pi, but some other linux machine, such as Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint etc, feel free to skip this step.

  1. Change the password for the pi user (default is raspberry), make it really strong, you shouldn’t need to use it after adding your own user (I prefer to delete the user altogether).
    • Enter the command passwd while logged in as the pi user, you’ll be prompted to enter the existing password, then the new one, twice.
  2. Create a new user, other than pi, with your own name, for example, I would use hamid, with a password that is strong but memorable.
sudo adduser hamid
Adding user `hamid' ...
Adding new group `hamid' (1001) ...
Adding new user `hamid' (1001) with group `hamid' ...
Creating home directory `/home/hamid' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for hamid
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []: Hamid
    Room Number []: 
    Work Phone []: 
    Home Phone []: 
    Other []: 
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
  1. Add your user to the sudo group so you can perform admin tasks with the sudo command.
sudo usermod -aG sudo <username>

The pi user is a member of lots of other groups, your new user will start as a member of only your own name group.

Be sure to add other groups if you need access to other features, such as the gpio, i2c or spi on your Pi for your projects.

groups pi
pi : pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev spi i2c gpio

Now, in a new terminal/ssh client you should be able to ssh into your Pi as your new user, this is the user you should access the Pi with from now on.

Setting up your own 2-Factor

This post assumes a debian based Linux distro, and therefore the apt package manager, mainly because the Pi runs Raspbian, based on Debian. If you use another distro on your server, you can still follow this, but installing packages will use a different package manager and possibly package names. You might even use a different editor instead of nano such as vim or emacs.

You’ll need a smartphone/tablet, and the FreeOTP app by Redhat in order to generate the one time codes you’ll use on login. This is available on Google Play and the App Store.

First start by logging in to your Raspberry Pi, you can do it by SSH, but make sure to keep a spare terminal open while you’re changing the SSH configuration, as it will remain connected even if you break the ssh configuration, or connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse and make changes directly on the Pi.

Be sure to test your connection using a second terminal, leaving the first one for emergencies.

First login to the Pi using your new user (if you’re using a keyboard/mouse directly attached, just login normally).

I’ll use the user user you should substitute your own. If raspberrypi doesn’t work, you’ll need the IP address of your Pi after the @.

ssh user@raspberrypi

If configured correctly you user should have sudo access (see above; you need to log out and in again after adding your user to a group).

First we need to install the pam-oath plugin, this allows the authentication system to support oath and the qrencode tool to add the one time pass to our smartphone app.

sudo apt-get install -y libpam-oath qrencode

Next, edit the sshd config to enable challenge-response authentication:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Set the following line from no to yes

# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with
# some PAM modules and threads)
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

Edit the sshd pam config:

nano /etc/pam.d/sshd

Add a new line, near the top of the file, under @include common-auth

auth requisite usersfile=/etc/users.oath digits=6 window=30

This tells pam that we want to add an auth requirement, that it should use the pam_auth plugin, the users can be looked up in /etc/users.oath, that our passes will be 6 digits and valid for 30 seconds.

Now we need to generate our secret and set it in the /etc/users.oath, you can use openssl to do this:

openssl rand -hex 20

Next, lets add it to the file:

sudo nano /etc/users.oath

The file should be empty if this is your first user, enter the following, pressing Tab rather than space between each block.

HOTP/T30/6  user    -   <paste your secret from above here>

It should look something like this:

HOTP/T30/6  user    -   f21cffb7e5459896b298e65d586117186cd3bb15

Make sure the permissions are set correctly on users.oath for security:

sudo chmod 600 /etc/users.oath

Install the “FreeOTP Authenticator” from RedHat" on your Android or iOS phone, and generate the QR code for it to scan.

First, we need to convert the secret from above, to Base32, which is required by the QR app:

echo <your secret> | xxd -r -p | base32

The output will be a Base32 string, something like this:


Now generate a QR code to scan with your phone:

qrencode -t UTF8 "otpauth://totp/RaspberryPi%20SSH:user%40raspberrypi?secret=<yoursecret>&issuer=user"

Be sure to replace user in both places with your user, and put your secret Base32 from the last step just after secret= and before &issuer.

When you run this, qrencode will print out a QR in your terminal, press the QR icon in the App on your phone and scan it, if successful you should see a new item added to your codes list in the app.

If it fails to scan, make sure you didn’t accidently remove any characters above, make sure you used the Base32 secret, and try generate the QR code again.

Finally, we need to restart the ssh server, and test our login;

sudo service ssh restart

Open a new terminal (don’t close the old one, you might need it if anything is wrong)

ssh user@raspberrypi

You’ll be prompted for your password:


Once you type that correctly, you should be prompted for your One-time password:

One-time password (OATH) for `user': 

Tap the entry in your mobile App and it’ll display a 6 digit pass valid for 30 seconds or less, enter that and you’ll be logged in!

If you can’t log in, double check all of the previous steps, and if you change any configuration files, be sure to restart ssh sudo service ssh restart.

That’s it, now you have secured your Pi with 2-Factor authentication, from now on, you’ll need your phone and the FreeOTP app to login.


Final note. It is good practice to clear your shell history since the secrets we’ve used above will be in there.

You can type history to see what I mean.

Run the following to clear the entire history

history -c

This will remove all entries from your shell history on the Pi (or the machine you ran it on, if not the Pi).

Or to remove just a single entry by number:

history -d 24

Better practice would be to not enter secrets on the command line, but use files, or linux pipes to direct them straight to their destination, but that is a more advanced topic for another day.